Course curriculum

    1. What is a chess tactic?

    2. The relative value of the pieces - and the King as the ultimate prize

    3. The Dynamic perspective needed to become a master tactician

    4. Sun Tzu "Art of War" principles applied to Chess

    5. Importance of Chess Tactics - for finishing off games efficiently

    6. Importance of chess tactics for checkmating opponent's king

    7. Importance of chess tactics for winning material

    8. What is a sacrificial combination?

    9. Do combinations need sacrifices? - CC World Champion Cecil Purdy Example

    10. The presence of combinations - downsides vs combinational motifs (romanovsky)

    11. What is calculation - Is it a a form of awareness or further learning?

    12. What is Evaluation?

    13. Why prioritise forcing moves like checks, captures, mating threats

    14. What is a variation as opposed to main line?

    15. What is a pattern?

    16. Kingscrusher's three golden tips when calculating variations

    17. Other major emerging opportunities when calculating - square vacation

    18. A tribute to Philip Dodderidge

    1. Adolf Anderssen vs Felix Kieseritzky

    2. Paul Morphy vs Duke Karl and Count Isouard - "Opera game"

    3. Wilhelm Steinitz vs Mikhail Chigorin example

    4. Lasker vs Bauer example

    5. Capablanca vs Fonaroff

    6. Alexander Alekhine vs Vasic

    7. Max Euwe example

    8. Botvinnik vs Keres example

    9. Gerasimov vs Smyslov example

    10. Mikhail Tal vs Bent Larsen example

    11. Petrosian Combination vs Boris Spassky

    12. Bent Larsen vs Boris Spassky example

    13. Bobby Fischer vs Myagmarsuren example

    14. Karpov vs Korchnoi example

    15. Kasparov vs Karpov example

    1. Compensating for being human philosophy

    2. Only think about downsides of Opponent's position but train with tactic patterns

    3. Establishing Exploitable weaknesses and Tactical targets

    4. Tactical dreams for reverse engineering during actual games

    5. Deep dive exploration of the word "down-sides" as opposed to say weaknesses

    6. Why calculate anything? - Magnus Carlsen example

    7. Tactical unification theory - Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand example

    8. The lust for micro-downsides - appreciate significance of all insignificances

    9. Prioritise forcing moves - cannot check every single move in position

    10. Sometimes forcing moves have downsides

    11. Kingscrusher's 3 GOLDEN Key calculation tips overview

    12. Deep Dive: Check for weaknesses of last move

    13. Deep Dive: Checking Killer common square opportunities

    14. Deep Dive: checking the "in effect" clause

    15. Calculation prompts - Are they always just catchy quotations?

    16. Deep dive: Check all checks prompt - some checks are more equal than others!

    17. Deep dive: Highest priority forcing moves - Check all checks,captures,threats

    18. Loose pieces drop off or cause problems (implies Double attack, Forks)

    19. Deep Dive: Combine and win prompt - why more powerful than Battery prompt

    1. Overwhelming threats - e.g. discovery and double attacks

    2. Moves which create Threats that can't be parried easily without concessions

    3. FORCING MOVES which lead to advantage

    4. Forcing move Example #2 - Carlsen vs Shirov

    5. Forcing move Example #3

    6. CELEBRATE Weakness of opponents last move successfully

    7. Moves which mate or gain advantage through emerging killer common squares

    8. Sacrifice type moves which lead to advantage

    9. Tempo Gaining moves that lead to advantage

    10. Tempo Gaining moves Example #2

    11. Forcing moves and captures that lead to advantage and don't help the opponent

    12. Calculation related: Checks - gaining key tempo e.g. winning material via checks

    13. Calculation related: Checks - Example #2

    14. Mating net construction type moves aka Removing Escape Squares

    15. Mating net construction type moves Example #2

    16. Mating net construction - Example #3

    1. Battery ( a very common tactic)

    2. Captures (a very common forcing move)

    3. Decoy

    4. Decoy Example #2

    5. Deflections

    6. Deflection Example #2

    7. Desperado

    8. Discovered Attack

    9. Discovered Attack - Example #2

    10. Discovered Attack (with Tempo!) - Example #3

    11. Discovered Check

    12. Double attacks and Forks Introduction

    13. Double attack Example #1

    14. Double attack Example #2

    15. Double attack Example #3 - nice opening trap to make use of with it

    16. Double attack Example #4 - Siberian trap vs Smith Morra Gambit

    17. Double check

    18. Double check Example #2

    19. Double check Example #3

    20. Hanging Piece aka Winning material

    21. Interference aka Disconnection tactics aka throwing spanner the works

    22. Interference Example #2

    23. Interference Example #3

    24. Interference Example #4

    25. Opposition (an important type of Endgame tactic)

    26. Overloading aka Overworking

    27. Passed pawn creation

    28. Passed pawn creation - example #2

    29. Passed pawn creation - Example #3

    30. Passed pawn creation - Example #4

    31. Pawn break positional tactic

    32. Perpetual Check

    33. Perpetual Check - Example #2

    34. Pin - Absolute

    35. Pin - Absolute - Example #2

    36. Pin - Absolute - Example #3

    37. Pin - Relative (rebelling against!)

    38. Pin - Relative (rebelling against!) - Example #2

    39. Pin - Relative - Opening trap example #3

    40. Pin - Relative - Opening trap example #4

    41. Pin Celebration

    42. Skewers - Absolute (like a reverse pin)

    43. Skewers - Absolute - Example #2

    44. Skewers - Relative

    45. Prophylaxis move aka Threat prevention aka Counterplay management

    46. Queening a pawn

    47. Removing the Guard aka Removing the Defender aka Deflection Example #1

    48. Removing the Guard - Example #2

    49. Removing the guard Example #3

    50. Removing the Guard Example #4

    51. Sacrifice (calculated)

    52. Sacrifice example #2

    53. Simplification

    54. Simplifcation - Example #2

    55. Unprotected piece

    56. Unprotected piece - Example #2

    57. Unprotected piece - Example #3

    58. Weakness inducing tactics

    59. Weakness inducing tactics - Example #2

    60. Weakness inducing tactics - Example #3

    61. X-Ray (xrays are going "through" other pieces)

    62. X-Ray - Example #2

    63. X-Ray - Example #3

    64. X-Ray example #4

    1. Blockade tactic

    2. Blockade tactic - Example #2

    3. Clearance (square, line diagonal) aka "Get out of the way tactic"

    4. Clearance (with Tempo!) - Example #2

    5. Clearance (with Tempo!) - Example #3

    6. Connected passed pawns

    7. Greek Gift Sacrifice

    8. Queen Sacrifice (calculated)

    9. Queen sacrifice (calculated) Example #2

    10. Queen sacrifice (calculated) Example #3

    11. Soft spot aka Weak Spot/ Weak square such as f7/f2 sacrifice

    12. Trapped piece

    13. Trapped piece - Example #2

    14. Thorn Pawns aka Wedge pawns

    15. Thorn pawns - Example #2

    16. Thorn Pawn example #3

    17. Windmill aka See-Saw checks

    18. Zwischenzug (in-between move or intermediate move or unexpected move)

    19. Zugzwang (compulsion to move)

About this course

  • $18.75
  • 279 lessons
  • 21.5 hours of video content

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